How-To: Re-Download OS X Lion Even After You've Installed It

Like many of you, I purchased OS X Lion to upgrade from Snow Leopard. What many didn't know after downloading their fresh copy of OS X Lion via the Mac App Store was that after you've finished installing OS X Lion, the installation file (.dmg) automatically deletes itself from your hard drive so you can no longer access it to quickly re-install and save it on an external storage like a DVD or even a USB flash drive for a clean install, or just for safe keeping. Apple is said to start offering a hard copy of OS X Lion on a USB flash drive for $69, but that's not what we're here for. If you want a hard copy of your $30 OS X Lion you just downloaded, here's a quick and easy way to re-download OS X Lion straight from the Mac App Store.

Follow these steps:

1. Open up the Mac App Store

2. Hold down the "option" key on your keyboard, while still holding, click your "Purchases" tab.

3. You should now be able to click "Install" next to OS X Lion.

You will be asked to type in your Apple ID account information, and the downloading will start. You will not be charged again since you already purchased OS X Lion. After OS X Lion has finished downloading, do not install it and exit the installation window. Now you'll be able to burn a copy of the Lion Installer which should now be located in your Applications folder.

To access the bootable file inside the Lion Installer you would need to right click it, and select "show package contents". Then, go to the "SharedSupport" folder and there you will have the final file that you would need to burn called "InstallESD.dmg" with Disk Utility. Hopefully this method will help you until Apple finds out about this backdoor.

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Nir Schneider


Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor 4 Now Available


This morning, June 21, 2011 Apply announced that Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5 and Compressor 4 are available on the Mac App Store. Final Cut Pro X has been rewritten from the ground up, with a whole new UI, background rendering, and just a ton of more features. Final Cut Pro X is available now for $299.99, while Motion 5 and Compressor 4 are available today for $49.99 each. Get it while it’s HOT!


iCloud Services Have Begun Automatically On iOS Devices

Apple has partially switched on the iCloud switch starting with the App Store on all iOS devices. You can know familiarise yourself with the new features Apple has added by going to your "Updates" section in the App Store which adds a new "Purchased" tab, revealing a history of all the apps you've downloaded with your account thus far. Apps with the iCloud icon are presently not installed on your device. You can choose to install any of the apps you previously purchased or got for free and re-download them again for free. If you're not seeing the new changes, fully close your App Store and re-open it to see the new changes. 


Nir Schneider


Lion Mac-App Store Only, $29.99 4GB Download

At WWDC 2011, Apple has announced today that Mac OSX 10.7 Lion will go on sale in July for $29.99. It will be bought in the Mac App Store, no more boxes/cd. The download will only 4GB which won't be bad, and will be able to install on 5 of your auth'ed computers. Developer preview will be available today after the keynote.


Confirmed: Flash And Apps Update For Nook Color

Barnes & Noble officially confirmed the Nook Color reading tablet will soon get Flash and email support and new and exciting apps next month. Perhaps these new apps will bring the Android app store or Amazon Appstore to the Nook Color.


Nir Schneider


Apple Cracks Down On Amazon Appstore

Apple filed a complaint against Amazon for infringing on its "App Store" trademark name by using it in their own marketplace for Android apps called the "Amazon Appstore". Bloomberg reports:

"Amazon has begun improperly using Apple's App Store mark in connection with Amazon's mobile software developer program," Apple said in the complaint. Amazon also plans to use the name with a mobile software download service, the complaint states.

What was Amazon thinking? They are very likely to lose this battle against Apple and will most likely have to rename their marketplace for Andriod apps. 


Nir Schneider


Angry Birds Rio For iOS Devices & Mac Out now

And just like that, Angry Birds Rio is out now for iOS devices. Angry birds Rio is a whole new and redesigned gameplay focusing on freeing birds from cages rather than smashing pigs. The new app is available now for the iPad for $2.99 and $.99 for the iPhone and iPod Touch, respectively. There are 60 levels to start you off with more on the way.

Update: Angry Birds Rio is now also available for Macs in the Mac App Store for $4.99.



Nir Schneider
