Zentertain's iOS App Lets You Download Free Music Legally & Illegally

There's nothing wrong with downloading free music legally right? An app made by Zentertain called "Free Music Download" has been approved by Apple and is now the number one downloaded free app in the App Store. Free Music Download app suggests you can download free music legally with pre-set sites that offer free legal music downloads for your choosing. The problem is, there's also a browser built into the app that will let you browse Google and other sites that don't offer legal music downloads. The app lets you download anything and everything your heart desires. Legal or not. Problem? Definitely. No attempts were made by the app creators to block such simple access by anyone who wants to download music illegally.


Nir Schneider


Apple's OS X Lion Up-To-Date Program, Upgrade To Lion For Free

Before you go out and spend $30 on OS X Lion, if you've recently purchased a Mac with Snow Leopard or Snow Leopard Server on it, specifically between June 6, 2011 - July 21, 2011, your copy of the just released OS X Lion will cost you nothing. A free upgrade courtesy of Apple via their online Up-To-Date Program. To take advantage of this, you will need to complete a simple online form to get your OS X Lion or OS X Lion Server code which can be redeemed in the Mac App Store. Head on over to the OS X Lion Up-To-Date Program page to get started.


Nir Schneider


Apple To Offer $100 iTunes Gift Cards In This Week's Back To School Promo

Apple is said to be launching its Back to School promotion this week with a big surprised to those who came accustomed to this yearly promotion. Instead of giving away free iPods to students who purchase a qualifying Mac under the educational discount program, this year Apple will swap out the free iPod for a free $100 iTunes gift card. Typically Apple has initiated the Back to School promotion and offered a free iPod with a Mac purchase for students in a strategic move to clear out inventory of iPods and make room for new models which Apple later on announces. If Apple does indeed switch to offering $100 iTunes gift cards to its student in this years Back to School promotion, it will certainly be a letdown for those who planned on scoring a free 8GB iPod Touch 4G which retails for $229. Well, at least you can download $100 worth of music, movies and TV shows on your brand new Mac. 

iCloud Services Have Begun Automatically On iOS Devices

Apple has partially switched on the iCloud switch starting with the App Store on all iOS devices. You can know familiarise yourself with the new features Apple has added by going to your "Updates" section in the App Store which adds a new "Purchased" tab, revealing a history of all the apps you've downloaded with your account thus far. Apps with the iCloud icon are presently not installed on your device. You can choose to install any of the apps you previously purchased or got for free and re-download them again for free. If you're not seeing the new changes, fully close your App Store and re-open it to see the new changes. 


Nir Schneider


PlayStation Customer Appreciation Package Details

Details are now emerging about Sony's welcome back package to its customers affected by the recent PlayStation Network hack attack. The official PlayStation blog has confirmed the details of the "Customer Appreciation Package" for North America. Sony is welcoming you back with a welcome package that includes:

All PlayStation Network customers can select two PS3 games from the following list. The games will be available for 30 days shortly after PlayStation Store is restored and can be kept forever.

  • Dead Nation
  • inFAMOUS
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Super Stardust HD
  • Wipeout HD + Fury

For PSP owners, you will be eligible to download two PSP games from the following list. The games will be available for 30 days shortly after PlayStation Store is restored and can be kept forever.

  • LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
  • ModNation Racers
  • Pursuit Force
  • Killzone Liberation
  • A selection of “On Us” rental movie titles will be available to PlayStation Network customers over one weekend, where Video Service is available. Those titles will be announced soon.
  • 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership for non PlayStation Plus subscribers.
  • Existing PlayStation Plus subscribers will receive an additional 60 days of free subscription.
  • Existing Music Unlimited Premium Trial subscription members will receive an additional 30 days of free premium subscription.
  • Additional 30 days + time lost for existing members of Music Unlimited Premium/Basic subscription free of charge for existing Premium/Basic members.

To welcome users Home, PlayStation Home will be offering 100 free virtual items. Additional free content will be released soon, including the next addition to the Home Mansion personal space, and Ooblag’s Alien Casino, an exclusive game.

Currently the PlayStation Network Store is offline and will be back online shortly so customers can access all the above. A similar welcome back package is offered to European customers. Get the details here.


Nir Schneider


Google's Free Music Streaming Service Goes Live

Google has released all kinds of new goodies today at their I/O keynote today in San Francisco, this time Google has announced a new music streaming service called Music by Google. It's currently in beta and on invitation only basis. The whole point of Music by Google is to let you upload your music collection to Google's cloud storage and then you will be able to stream and listen to your music online and on your Android device using the Android Music app, for free. Songs that you've already fully played will be cached on your device and will be available for offline listening. Possibly the best thing off all is the ease of use, users will be able to directly upload their music library straight from iTunes or any music folder. What are you waiting for? Go request a Music by Google invite, it's free! 


Nir Schneider


Milliamp Offers Free Pentalobe Screwdriver For iPhone 4

Milliamp is gracious enough to offer free petalobe screwdrivers to let you tinker away on your iPhone 4. Apple switched away from using regular Phillips screws on the iPhone 4 and now ships iPhone 4s with the new and very tiny 5-star pentalobe screws. The blue pentalobe screwdriver above is the one you're going to get for free, shipping will cost you just $3, not bad considering this exact screwdriver goes for more on eBay. 


Nir Schneider
