The Mac Mini Gets A Big Boost

The iPad mini wasn't the only "Mini" to get the crowd's attention today in San Jose. The seemingly forgotten underdog of Apple's computing lineup hasn't seen much of a boost in quite some time. However, at long last, Apple has given it's first Mini product the upgrade it needs. 

The updated 2012 Mac mini now sports brand new Ivy Bridge processors and will begin at the 2.5 GHz Dual Core i5 processor with 4GB of RAM and a 500GB hard drive. There are obviously upgradable components to the Mac mini, including a server configuration option. If none of the preset configurations appeal to you, you are still able to customize your own build-to-order Mac mini through Apple's Online store. 

Prices will begin at $599 for the base model and $999 for the Server configuration. They are available right now on Apple's Online store. 


Just Mobile Debuts AluRack, AluBase Apple Display Mount And Stand For Macs

Just Mobile has released two new practical MacBook stands made of course from solid machined aluminum and boast a Danish design. The stands look to be a take on Twelve South's iconic BookArc and BackPack 2 Mac accessories. The first is Just Mobile's AluBase, a $50 aluminum-made block which keeps an upright hold of any 11", 13" and 15" MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and Retina MacBook Pro thanks to its interchangeable rubber inserts that provide a snug and secure fit without scratching your device.

Just Mobile's $60 AluRack, is a two-piece hook-like mounting stand made from aluminum and plastic screw-in attachment that attaches onto any modern iMac, LED Cinema Display and ThunderBolt Display via the cable management hole found on the display's pedestal creating a solid shelf lined with soft plastic that lets you mount either an external hard drive or any 11", 13" and 15" MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and Retina MacBook Pro.

Radiul iPad Document Holder, Makes Life Easier

Paper has become a medium that some of us have tried to get rid of entirely if we could, but nonetheless, they are persistant. Popping up in our mailboxes, getting sent down from our bosses, and even being accepted as money... although I suppose that's the only kind of paper nobody wants to just rip into shreds. No matter how much we want to surround ourselves in just emails and digital print, we will still have to live with the traditional method for a while. That is what makes Radiul a nice accessory for everybody.

Everybody has bills to pay, everybody has to read something off of paper once in a while, but why not make it easier and more comfortable while we're at it? Radiul acts as a stand for all your papers whether they're the phone bills that you have to pay or some academic article you have to read for your research paper. Simply attach it to your laptop, iPad, or counter, you can prop them up in a convenient position. Using a simple but effective curve shape, the Radiul does its job. 

This extremely portable accessory is currently in its mid stage of a Kickstarter campaign, and if you're interested in seeing this idea become reality, go ahead and pledge $30 or more for your very own Radiul. 

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Goal Zero Offers Unlimited Energy The Green Way

Long adventures out in the wild is an adrenadline junkie's heaven, but not everybody's life mirrors that of Bear Grylls'. Particularly, not people who depend on technology as heavily as we do. Even a weekend camping trip may be pushing the limits to how long we can be apart from our internet and electronics. So, to get the best of both worlds, camping trips that use to revolve around the great outdoors and what it has to offer has become infested with Instagram fanatics and WiFi signals. 

As you can imagine, we're not here to tell you otherwise. Instead, we're encouraging you. Goal Zero, a leader in portable energy has created the perfect solution that harnesses nature to power your electronic devices. With solar power, you can now charge your iDevices through the Switch 8 and Sherpa 50 recharging kits. Take advantage of the fresh air and some new office space scenery. Let these solar powered chargers soak in the sun for 6-12 hours, and you can consume your content just as you would at home. If solar power isn't enough, you can charge these accessories through conventional methods as well. 

Goal Zero has yet to announce the exact details on these two new products, but expect to hear from them soon. Check out their website for other great solar powered accessories that will make your next encounter with nature a little bit more techy. 


TweetBot Is Coming To Mac?

Anyone who relies heavily on Twitter knows that Tapbot's Twitter client, Tweetbot, is a phenomenal app that leaves the original Twitter app in its dust. After experiencing Tweetbot for iOS, many of us have hoped for the same experience on our Mac. 

Tapbot developer Paul Haddad had multiple tweets lately coming from a possible test client of Tweetbot for Mac. While a public beta has yet to be released, this is still exciting news for all us Twitter fans who are looking for a great Twitter client to replace the clunky client on the Mac App Store. 


Pure Announces Their AirPlay Solution

When you’ve had a long day at work or school and just want nothing but to lay on your couch and have a long overdue rest, you suddenly feel the urge to listen to music. Problem is, your speakers are ALL the way across the room, and getting up and plugging your iPhone in is just not worth it. Thank goodness for AirPlay, Apple’s wireless streaming technology. Just turn it on, connect to your WiFi, and your favorite tunes will come blasting from your AirPlay capable speakers.

Pure has created the perfect solution to your wireless streaming needs. The Contour 200i Air is compatible with your iPod, iPhone, iPad, or your iTunes from your computer. Pure doesn’t plan for you to listen to cheap quality sound either; delivering 36W of audio heaven to your ears. Best of all, if you have multiple Contours set up throughout your house, you can stream music to all of them. If you choose to, you can take advantage of their free app, the Pure Lounge, where you can find a plethora of radio stations catering to your needs.

Pure has yet to announce the official price or release date, but don’t worry, it’s coming soon. 


Microsoft Allegedly Releasing Office For iOS

As reported a couple months ago by The Daily of a screenshot of Microsoft Office running on the iPad, follow-up rumors have pointed towards a possibility of such a release sometime in November. Sources have claimed to see the software operating on iOS firsthand. There have also been hints at Office for the Android platform as well.

While Microsoft have yet to publicly address this rumor, The Daily has strong claims to this being factual, stating that they have seen and operated a prototype. The benefits of having Microsoft Office on the iPad however, would be beneficial for many of its users considering the overall compatibility issues with Microsoft and Mac users. 
