Final Cut Pro X Free Trial Released

Apple has finally released a free 30-day trial of its Final Cut Pro X video editing software for all to enjoy before dropping $300 without giving it a proper test drive. In addition, Apple has released Final Cut Pro X version 10.0.1. The update brings support for XML, support for events and projects through Xsan, support for media stems, custom starting time codes, full-screen view for OS X Lion, and GPU-accelerated export. 


Nir Schneider


Apple Releases OS X Lion On A USB Thumb Drive

Apple has finally released the official OS X Lion USB thumb drive we've all been waiting for. Or not. It's now available to order via Apple's online store and should also be readily available at Apple retail locations for $69. Apple has stopped including the OS installation DVDs and USB thumb drives with all Macs since it made the latest OS X available to purchase thru the Mac App Store for just $29. Those of you who already purchased OS X Lion via the Mac App Store will be able to create their own Apple-logoless and less fancier USB thumb drive installation hardcopy using Apple's handy Lion Recovery Disk Assistant that creates a copy of Lion on your USB thumb drive for safe keeping. Good luck with all of your OS endeavors!


Nir Schneider


How-To: Re-Download OS X Lion Even After You've Installed It

Like many of you, I purchased OS X Lion to upgrade from Snow Leopard. What many didn't know after downloading their fresh copy of OS X Lion via the Mac App Store was that after you've finished installing OS X Lion, the installation file (.dmg) automatically deletes itself from your hard drive so you can no longer access it to quickly re-install and save it on an external storage like a DVD or even a USB flash drive for a clean install, or just for safe keeping. Apple is said to start offering a hard copy of OS X Lion on a USB flash drive for $69, but that's not what we're here for. If you want a hard copy of your $30 OS X Lion you just downloaded, here's a quick and easy way to re-download OS X Lion straight from the Mac App Store.

Follow these steps:

1. Open up the Mac App Store

2. Hold down the "option" key on your keyboard, while still holding, click your "Purchases" tab.

3. You should now be able to click "Install" next to OS X Lion.

You will be asked to type in your Apple ID account information, and the downloading will start. You will not be charged again since you already purchased OS X Lion. After OS X Lion has finished downloading, do not install it and exit the installation window. Now you'll be able to burn a copy of the Lion Installer which should now be located in your Applications folder.

To access the bootable file inside the Lion Installer you would need to right click it, and select "show package contents". Then, go to the "SharedSupport" folder and there you will have the final file that you would need to burn called "InstallESD.dmg" with Disk Utility. Hopefully this method will help you until Apple finds out about this backdoor.

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Nir Schneider


Apple's OS X Lion Up-To-Date Program, Upgrade To Lion For Free

Before you go out and spend $30 on OS X Lion, if you've recently purchased a Mac with Snow Leopard or Snow Leopard Server on it, specifically between June 6, 2011 - July 21, 2011, your copy of the just released OS X Lion will cost you nothing. A free upgrade courtesy of Apple via their online Up-To-Date Program. To take advantage of this, you will need to complete a simple online form to get your OS X Lion or OS X Lion Server code which can be redeemed in the Mac App Store. Head on over to the OS X Lion Up-To-Date Program page to get started.


Nir Schneider


Apple Releases New 2011 MacBook Air With Backlit Keyboard, Thunderbolt

Some rumors were true while others were far from it. As expected, Apple has released a refreshed line of ultraportables today. Starting with the new 2011 11" MacBook Air starting at $999 (that's how much a 27" LED Cinema Display costs btw), it now packs Intel's new Sandy Bridge processor, the 1.6Ghz dual-core Intel Core i5 with an optional 1.8Ghz dual-core Intel Core i7 upgrade, 64GB SSD, 2GB of memory and Intel HD Graphics 3000. The new 2011 13" MacBook Air starts at $1,299, packs Intel's 1.7Ghz dual-core Intel Core i5 128GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 3000 and comes standard with 4GB of memory.

But that's not all, both 11" and 13" 2011 MacBook Airs now have full backlit keyboards - A much requested hardware feature since Apple removed it from the 2010 MacBook Airs, Thunderbolt ports and they come with OS X Lion installed and ready to serve. Head on over to the source link for the full customization options.


Nir Schneider
