Did You Know - Siri Works On All Current iOS 5 Devices

Apple's decision to make Siri an exclusive feature that belongs to the recently released iPhone 4S has been question quite a lot ever since Siri was announced. At first we all thought it had to be the iPhone 4S' better, faster and improved hardware, but as it turns out, people have successfully ported Siri to fully and flawlessly (with some mic hiccups on the iPod's side) work on all current iOS 5 devices including the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPad 2 and the iPod Touch 4G. Jailbreaking is still required though. Here's a handy guide on how to install Siri on the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch if you're feeling adventurous, or possibly betrayed. Just goes to show you that Apple did everything to entice users to jump ship and get the iPhone 4S with its voice assistant genie. 

Nir Schneider


Apple Releases iOS 5 Update

Apple has finally released the much anticipated iOS 5 update today for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPad 2, iPod Touch 3G and 4G. You can download the new iO5 5 update right now via the latest iTunes. If you pre-ordered the iPhone 4S, iOS 5 will already come with it. What are you waiting for? Do it!


Nir Schneider


iTunes 10.5 Now Out With New Goodies

Apple has released iTunes 10.5 ahead of tomorrows iOS 5 and iCloud launch with support for both like all-new Wi-Fi syncing. Full rundown of the iTunes 10.5 update below:

What's new in iTunes 10.5

  • iTunes in the Cloud. iTunes now stores your music and TV purchases in iCloud and makes them available on your devices anywhere, any time, at no additional cost.
    • Automatic Downloads. Purchase music from any device or computer and automatically download a copy to your Mac and iOS devices.
    • Download Previous Purchases. Download your past music, TV, app, and book purchases again, at no additional cost. Previous purchases may be unavailable if they are no longer on the iTunes Store.
  • Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 5.
  • Wi-Fi Syncing. Automatically sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iTunes any time they're both on the same Wi-Fi network.

Nir Schneider


iOS 5 Beta 4, iTunes 10.5 Beta 4, Xcode 4.2 Seeds To Developers


Apply has released iOS 5 beta 4, iTunes 10.5 Beta 4, and the fourth preview of Xcode 4.2. iTunes 10.5 beta 4 is required to sync with this beta of iOS 5. We will keep you posted on anything new in this beta.


Apple Releases iOS 5 Beta 2: Wi-fi Syncing Included

Apple released the second beta for iOS 5 to developers recently. Below is a video highlighting the Wi-Fi sync.

Other features included in iOS 5 Beta 2

  • When setting up the device, you have the option to backup to iCloud or the computer
  • If there are no notifications in Notification Center, the message “No New Notifications” will appear
  • By default, the Stocks Notification Center widget will be turned off

iCloud Services Have Begun Automatically On iOS Devices

Apple has partially switched on the iCloud switch starting with the App Store on all iOS devices. You can know familiarise yourself with the new features Apple has added by going to your "Updates" section in the App Store which adds a new "Purchased" tab, revealing a history of all the apps you've downloaded with your account thus far. Apps with the iCloud icon are presently not installed on your device. You can choose to install any of the apps you previously purchased or got for free and re-download them again for free. If you're not seeing the new changes, fully close your App Store and re-open it to see the new changes. 


Nir Schneider
