Google Announces Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS

Here it is in all its glory, the new Google Android Ice Cream Sandwich, and it never looked so delicious. Google has also announced that is will put an end to Android fragmentation, meaning the new Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS will run on every single Android device from phones to tablets, even computers and everyone will always be up-to-date with the latest Android updates no matter what. Just like every current iOS device made by Apple. Google said it wants only one OS to run Android devices from now on, and that will be the new Ice Cream Sandwich. Google has made a great move that will be very beneficial to its customers by laying down strict rules for manufacturers that all new devices must be capable of running the latest version of Android for the first 18 months after they go on sale. Expect the Android Ice Cream Sandwich to fill your Google OS running devices in Q4 of 2011. 


Nir Schneider


Angry Birds Rio For iOS Devices & Mac Out now

And just like that, Angry Birds Rio is out now for iOS devices. Angry birds Rio is a whole new and redesigned gameplay focusing on freeing birds from cages rather than smashing pigs. The new app is available now for the iPad for $2.99 and $.99 for the iPhone and iPod Touch, respectively. There are 60 levels to start you off with more on the way.

Update: Angry Birds Rio is now also available for Macs in the Mac App Store for $4.99.



Nir Schneider


Rovio Demos Angry Birds Rio (Video)

Rovio demoed a little of the upcoming Angry Birds Rio based off of Rio the animated movie at SXSW festival. The demo shows a completely new and redesigned Angry Birds concept without any pigs this time, and instead you are aiming to free birds inside their cages and moving birds. Angry Birds Rio debuts on March 22 exclusively on the Amazon App Store for the Android marketplace and on the Apple App Store later on. Check out some gameplay footage after the break.

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Sony Releasing Official PlayStation App

Sony has announced that it is releasing the official free PlayStation app for both iOS and Android devices. The PlayStation app will only be available in Europe when it comes out soon but there are already plans to add more countries. Version 1.0 will have the following features with more to come:

  • Check out your PlayStation Network trophies and keep up to date with your friends’ games and online status.
  • Discover all the latest games, news and hardware for your PlayStation 3PSP and PlayStation 2.
  • Read all the announcements on the European PlayStation.Blog.
  • Share your favourite products or news with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or via e-mail.

Source PlayStation via MacRumors


Nir Schneider


Power Your Apple Gadgets With Apple's Battery Charger

Apple today released a Battery Charger amongst other new gadgets. The new Battery Charger is plain and simple as it sounds, a battery charger for all your wireless Apple and non-Apple gadgets. Apple's Battery Charger is most likely the best quality battery charger you can get for the money, for $29, you get six AA high-performance NiMH rechargeable batteries that pack a 10-year lifespan. Apple's claims that this charger is the most energy-efficient. Hit up the source link to get yours.

Source Apple


Nir Schneider
