Tweetbot For Mac Is Finally Here

All of your Twitter woes has finally been solved, and it comes packed inside a cute metal bird. The developers over at Tapbot has got everything ready to go and finally let their little metal egg hatch into something very exciting. Tweetbot For Mac went live earlier today on the Mac App Store and has risen through the ranks to land right next to OS X Mountain Lion on the Top Paid category. 

The app will support Retina displays and also iCloud syncing capabilities with your Tweetbot for iOS app. Now before you guys head over to the Mac App Store and pick yours up, let me warn you, the price tag isn't pretty. It'll knock you down $20. Instead of me wasting my time jabbering on about how Tweetbot is worth it, I'll let Mark Jardine, a developer of Tweetbot, give you the inside scope: 

If you think about it, it’s not that expensive. Twenty dollars for a quality piece of software that you use every day? That has been the price point for quality utility apps on the Mac for years. However, it’s not just the development time and attention we put into the app that commands the higher price.

Because of Twitter’s recent enforcement of token limits, we only have a limited number of tokens available for Tweetbot for Mac. These tokens dictate how many users Tweetbot for Mac can have. The app’s limit is separate from, but much smaller than, the limit for Tweetbot for iOS. Once we use up the tokens granted to us by Twitter, we will no longer be able to sell the app to new users. Tapbots will continue to support Tweetbot for Mac for existing customers at that time.

This limit and our desire to continue to support the app once we sell out is why we’ve priced Tweetbot for Mac a little higher than we’d like. It’s the best thing we can do for the long term viability of the product. We know some will not be happy about Tweetbot for Mac’s pricing, but the bottom line is Twitter needs to provide us with more tokens for us to be able to sell at a lower the price. We spent a year developing this app and it’s the only way for us to be able to make our money back and continue supporting it with updates in the future. Feel free to let Twitter know how you feel about it.


iTunes 10.5 Now Out With New Goodies

Apple has released iTunes 10.5 ahead of tomorrows iOS 5 and iCloud launch with support for both like all-new Wi-Fi syncing. Full rundown of the iTunes 10.5 update below:

What's new in iTunes 10.5

  • iTunes in the Cloud. iTunes now stores your music and TV purchases in iCloud and makes them available on your devices anywhere, any time, at no additional cost.
    • Automatic Downloads. Purchase music from any device or computer and automatically download a copy to your Mac and iOS devices.
    • Download Previous Purchases. Download your past music, TV, app, and book purchases again, at no additional cost. Previous purchases may be unavailable if they are no longer on the iTunes Store.
  • Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 5.
  • Wi-Fi Syncing. Automatically sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iTunes any time they're both on the same Wi-Fi network.

Nir Schneider


Apple Releases OS X Lion 10.7.1

One step closure to 10.7.2, which will deliver iCloud compatibility to your mac, you can enjoy the latest bug fixes. 10.7.1 doesn't add any new features but does solve major issues including missing admin accounts, and video play back freezing in Safari. Check Apple Software Update to download.


iCloud Replaces MobileMe, iWeb Hosted Sites Will Go Down

Are you one of those who uses MobileMe's hosting services to host your iWeb-built website, or even worse, your small business website? First of all that was a bad idea from the get-go as iWeb offers extremely limited tools and functionality. Not to mention the MobileMe servers are turtle slow. Apple will be transferring existing MobileMe users over to the new iCloud service later this fall, sadly the MobileMe hosting service for iWeb will not be transferred. Apple will no longer support iWeb and its hosting leaving you in a whole lot of frustration. The good news though is that you've got roughly a year until Apple completely pulls the plug on you and your iWeb website. 

Don't worry, there are plenty of low-cost publishing platforms readily available for the taking. My suggestion to you is Squarespace and WordPress. Both include hosting and cloud website building tools similar to iWeb but so much better. As do many other web publishing platforms out there. Beginning the move from iWeb towards a new publishing service shouldn't be too difficult. Services like Squarespace already have many tools and easy to follow tutorials on how you can transfer your old website. So get moving.


Nir Schneider


iTunes 10.3 Now Out, Re-Download All Your Purchases

Apple has released a beta version of iTunes, iTunes 10.3 featuring iCloud services that have already begun their streaming and syncing wonderness on all iOS devices inside the App Store and even on the iTunes app. iTunes 10.3 enables you to automatically re-download music, app and book purchases to all your iDevices for free. iTunes lets you access your purchase history and lets you chose whether you want to automatically download content you don't yet have on a certain device or individually. 

I was able to re-download a few songs on my MacBook Pro that I've purchased over on my MacBook Air flawlessly. The download cloud icon will appear next to a song, app or book when it isn't found on your device and enables you to re-download it, quickly and easily. To get to the "Purchased" section in order to re-download your purchases on any devices wirelessly, you need to to first download iTunes 10.3 to you Mac or PC. Once you've got it up and running, go to the iTunes Store and on the right hand side of the store you will see the "Purchased" link inside the "Quick Links" menu box.


Nir Schneider


iCloud Services Have Begun Automatically On iOS Devices

Apple has partially switched on the iCloud switch starting with the App Store on all iOS devices. You can know familiarise yourself with the new features Apple has added by going to your "Updates" section in the App Store which adds a new "Purchased" tab, revealing a history of all the apps you've downloaded with your account thus far. Apps with the iCloud icon are presently not installed on your device. You can choose to install any of the apps you previously purchased or got for free and re-download them again for free. If you're not seeing the new changes, fully close your App Store and re-open it to see the new changes. 


Nir Schneider


iCloud Revealed, Offers Free Storage & Streaming Services

Along with Apple announcing iOS 5, Mac OSX Lion, they have announced iCloud. iCloud that will backup your apps, songs, books, photos, videos and contacts. You will be able to have access to any of your information from any device whether it is a tablet, phone, or laptop/desktop. This will be taking over Mobile Me and the apps have been rewritten. iWork will be playing nice with iCloud, and app history, device settings, new photos, purchased music will all be automatically over wi-fi. The iTunes app for the iCloud will be available as the end of today. Contacts and mail and calendar store will be free, while some of the rest will be paided subscriptions. The rest will be announced.
