Zentertain's iOS App Lets You Download Free Music Legally & Illegally

There's nothing wrong with downloading free music legally right? An app made by Zentertain called "Free Music Download" has been approved by Apple and is now the number one downloaded free app in the App Store. Free Music Download app suggests you can download free music legally with pre-set sites that offer free legal music downloads for your choosing. The problem is, there's also a browser built into the app that will let you browse Google and other sites that don't offer legal music downloads. The app lets you download anything and everything your heart desires. Legal or not. Problem? Definitely. No attempts were made by the app creators to block such simple access by anyone who wants to download music illegally.


Nir Schneider


This Dude Can Rock His Air Drums Like A Boss

This dude isn't just obsessed with beards, apparently he takes air drumming very seriously. First he picked a great song to rock out to and then he accompanied it by playing his part of the song on his set of motion controlled air drums he built into a pair of flip-flops and gardening rakes using a few accelerometers, a MIDI controller and a Adruino Uno. This is the future of music instruments folks. Video after the break!
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iTunes 10.3 Now Out, Re-Download All Your Purchases

Apple has released a beta version of iTunes, iTunes 10.3 featuring iCloud services that have already begun their streaming and syncing wonderness on all iOS devices inside the App Store and even on the iTunes app. iTunes 10.3 enables you to automatically re-download music, app and book purchases to all your iDevices for free. iTunes lets you access your purchase history and lets you chose whether you want to automatically download content you don't yet have on a certain device or individually. 

I was able to re-download a few songs on my MacBook Pro that I've purchased over on my MacBook Air flawlessly. The download cloud icon will appear next to a song, app or book when it isn't found on your device and enables you to re-download it, quickly and easily. To get to the "Purchased" section in order to re-download your purchases on any devices wirelessly, you need to to first download iTunes 10.3 to you Mac or PC. Once you've got it up and running, go to the iTunes Store and on the right hand side of the store you will see the "Purchased" link inside the "Quick Links" menu box.


Nir Schneider


Pix & Stix Help You Rock Out On GarageBand

If you own an iPad or iPad 2 and love making music, chances are you've got GarageBand. This is your lucky day because Pix & Stix are the only thing missing from your virtual set of drums and guitars. Pix & Stix promise to make your music making session feel like a real experience. The Pix & Stix pick has an electroconductive rubber tip for a more accurate, natural touch screen picking. The miniaturized drumsticks are perfectly weighted and have a soft-touch rubberized finish that won't damage your iPad. Just don't go all Travis Barker on your iPad. The Pix & Sticks come in a set of 2 drumsticks and 1 pick for $14.95, and are available in blue, black or yellow.


Nir Schneider


II:XX iWah, Possibly The Best iPad 2 Stand A Guitarist Could Wish For

Past the weird brand names is a mysterious looking stand for the iPad 2 called the iWah. The whah? The iWah Original is a stand for the iPad 2 that allows you the guitarist, to utilize the iPad's built-in gyroscope and accelerometer to add effects such as the famous "wah" effects as well as controlling the volume swells. All of this of course requires an app like Apple's Garage Band and many others. The iWah is essentially a hardware stand pedal that is solidly built with aluminum and rubber padding. The iWah allows for landscape and portrait positions and it's priced at $135. Availability has yet to be announced. In the meantime, rock on.


Nir Schneider


iPod Touch Becomes Even Better Because of Cameras, Facetime and Retina Display

Alongside the iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle announcements at the Apple Music Keynote this morning, the iPod Touch also got redesigned with long-lusted after features which makes this new iPod Touch basically exactly the same as the iPhone, except for the phone part. As it has front and rear facing cameras, FaceTime, HD video recording, gyroscope and the 1GHz A4 chip. What's more, it is even thinner! Now as you'd expect, you will have to pay a lot more for all of this compared to the other iPods, but you do get a lot more. Prices start at $229 for 8GB, $299 for 32GB, and $399 for 64GB. Shipping starts next week and pre-orders start from today.


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Apple Reveals New iPod Nanos and Shuffles


At the Apple Music Keynote today in San Francisco, Steve Jobs took the stage to announced the holiday line up of iPods. So any way lets get into it.


The iPod Shuffle was first to receive an update. The iPod shuffle has been a strange device. Many say it is pointless because of the lack of a screen, while others say (mainly people who exercise) say it is an essential part of the iPod line up. This year it got back the buttons but also has the same voice features of last years buttonless model. Not much else to say except it has a clip so you can clip it on clothes, it comes in 5 colours and it has 2GB of storage, all for $49. 


Next, iPod Nano. Earlier this year, we saw a very small touchscreen leaked out into the world with apparently Apple branding all over it. Well it seems like this one has come true. The new nano has ditched the click wheel for a touch screen, a very small touch screen at that, but it is still a touch screen and seems to have some sort of version of iOS running on it. All the usual stuff is on there in the form of icons on different screens and yes you can make it do the jiggly dance so you can move the icons around. Reports from places like Engadget are saying that the touchscreen is very responsive and great to look at. Also, seeing as it has a clock app, if you strap it to a wrist strap, you can turn it into an iWatch! And that is the only reason I'm getting one.
