Did You Know - Siri Works On All Current iOS 5 Devices

Apple's decision to make Siri an exclusive feature that belongs to the recently released iPhone 4S has been question quite a lot ever since Siri was announced. At first we all thought it had to be the iPhone 4S' better, faster and improved hardware, but as it turns out, people have successfully ported Siri to fully and flawlessly (with some mic hiccups on the iPod's side) work on all current iOS 5 devices including the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPad 2 and the iPod Touch 4G. Jailbreaking is still required though. Here's a handy guide on how to install Siri on the iPhone 4 and iPod Touch if you're feeling adventurous, or possibly betrayed. Just goes to show you that Apple did everything to entice users to jump ship and get the iPhone 4S with its voice assistant genie. 

Nir Schneider


White iPod Touch Found In A Noodle Bar

Yeah, no joke. The guys over at M.I.C Gadget over in China went for lunch at a noodle bar in the city of Shenzhen when they found a white iPod Touch 4G that apparently someone has lost. As much as I would have liked to believe that this is in fact the real deal, unfortunately it isn't. It's only a black iPod Touch that underwent a transplant with a white front panel that we've seen surface in China. The white home button is only a sticker that was placed to hide the original black home button. Apparently the owner did a half-ass job! Doesn't it still look beautiful though? Come on Apple, where are those white iPod Touch 4Gs and 5Gs? See the video after the break.

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Apple To Release White iPod Touch 5G?

We've got our white and black iPhone 4s and iPad 2s, but where is our white iPod Touch?! Thankfully, we've got some hope with a brand new leak of what looks to be a white iPod Touch front screen panel that iFixit has leaked. September is fast approaching and that's generally the month when Apple refreshed the iPod line. At this point we don't know if Apple will announce a brand new and redesigned iPod Touch 5G, or only add a white model to the current lineup. 


Nir Schneider


BeyzaCases Debuts World's Thinnest Zero Series Of Leather Sleeves & Pouches

BeyzaCases' new Zero Series of slim leather sleeves and pouches is said to be the world's thinnest genuine leather sleeves and pouches ever made. The Zero Series for the iPhone 4 looks very similar to BeyzaCases' more padded SlimLine Stripes pouch for the iPhone 4 which I reviewed and loved last year. The new Zero Series will be available for the iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G, iPad 2 and the 11" MacBook Air in various colors, and are priced at €24.95 ($35), €24.95 ($35), €54.95 ($79) and €69.95 ($100), respectively. The Zero Series of leather sleeves and pouches are now available for pre-order and will start to ship on May 31.