iOS 5 Beta 4, iTunes 10.5 Beta 4, Xcode 4.2 Seeds To Developers


Apply has released iOS 5 beta 4, iTunes 10.5 Beta 4, and the fourth preview of Xcode 4.2. iTunes 10.5 beta 4 is required to sync with this beta of iOS 5. We will keep you posted on anything new in this beta.


iOS 5 Features

Along with the announcement of Mac OS X Lion, Apple is also talking about iOS 5. Plenty of new features have been added from things that are defiantly needed, to things that are just something else cool. Lets Start from the begging. (Check After the break)

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Icon for iCloud

Apple is hard at work in San Francisco's Moscone Center preparing for the Worldwide Developer Conference 2011 that will be held there next week. Apple Insider snapped some pics of them setting up the convention hall. Inside there is a huge banner that has Mac OS X Lion, iOS 5, and iCloud icons hung up. They usually do not show any of the banners till the day of the Keynote, but this one is public and easily seen. WWDC 2011 Starts on Monday. Let's see what Apple brings to us.
