One Epic 404 Error Page You Want To See

This is the most epic 404: Page Not Found message, on the web. Even our 404 page can't match the epicness of the broken linked pages of Nosh. Are those Battlefield: Bad Company sound effects I hear? 


Nir Schneider


Star Wars Xbox 360 Kinect Bundle Announced, Droid Awesomness

Star Wars fanboys rejoice! Your dreams of owning a Star Wars themed Xbox 360 are now a reality thanks to Microsoft releasing a new Xbox 360 with Kinect bundle in a cool Star Wars Droid theme staring a Storm Trooper-like white and black Kinect sensor bar, a shiny golden C-3PO themed controller and last but certainly not least, the 320GB Xbox 360 itself in the R2-D2 themed color scheme complete with cute R2-D2 sound effects. Microsoft has officially announced this Star Wars Kinect bundle at Comic Con today, where else? The bundle will be available in November, and you'll be able to pre-order yours starting today at retailers for a cool $449. Hit up the source link for more photos plus a video.

Behind The Sounds Of Transformers 3

Now that you've seen Transformers 3 and experienced Michael Bay's epic action and stunning visual effects, have you ever wondered how all those sweet sound effects were made? Just take a look at the video above and you'll be surprised at just how much of those sound effects were created in real life. Some amazing work was put into creating these incredible sounding sound effects we all love to hear in the Transformers movies.


Nir Schneider


II:XX iWah, Possibly The Best iPad 2 Stand A Guitarist Could Wish For

Past the weird brand names is a mysterious looking stand for the iPad 2 called the iWah. The whah? The iWah Original is a stand for the iPad 2 that allows you the guitarist, to utilize the iPad's built-in gyroscope and accelerometer to add effects such as the famous "wah" effects as well as controlling the volume swells. All of this of course requires an app like Apple's Garage Band and many others. The iWah is essentially a hardware stand pedal that is solidly built with aluminum and rubber padding. The iWah allows for landscape and portrait positions and it's priced at $135. Availability has yet to be announced. In the meantime, rock on.


Nir Schneider
