Verizon's iPhone 4 Is Redesigned, New Cases Needed


After today's announcement of Verizon's iPhone 4, we discovered a new redesigned CDMA-compatible antenna and lowered volume buttons and silent switch. This means most current iPhone 4 cases will need to be updated to fit the new Verizon iPhone 4, now bringing us two versions of cases and we will start to see case companies label their packaging with 'made for Verizon iPhone 4' or 'made for At&t & Verizon iPhone 4'. If you're switching over to Verizon or will be upgrading to the Verizon iPhone 4, consider making sure you are getting a compatible case. Case companies are scrambling right now to have some Verizon iPhone 4 compatible cases for the expected launch on February 10. 


Nir Schneider


Exclusive Tour At Apple's Antenna Labs

Apple recently let a crew of ABC's news reporter to get an exclusive sneak peak at their very expensive antenna labs. Watch the Hulu video below, sorry this is only viewable by US viewers.

Source 9to5Mac


Nir Schneider


Antennaid Covers Your iPhone 4's "Boo-Boo"

Although this might look like a ridiculous joke, it's the real deal. Antennaid for the iPhone 4 is made to look like a Band-Aid and will hopefully fix your iPhone reception issues whilst making you look like a big baby. This might be a solution for you, however I would stick with a case for now. The people behind this do not claim that it will 100% fix your antenna reception. The Antennaid is made out of cut vinyl and is available in a pack of six, in six colors for $4.99.

Source Antennaid | Etsy 


Nir Schneider


iPhone 4 Bumper Giveaway Costing $175 million!


To sort out the antenna problem with the iPhone 4, Apple is giving away free bumpers to all iPhone 4 owners. But as they don't just appear out of thin air, Apple is going to set aside $175 million of iPhone 4 revenue in the September quarter, according to Apple's CFO Peter Oppenheimer during the Q3 earnings conference call. But as in the same conference call they reveiled that they earned over $15 billion, shelling out $175 million for iPhone cases, won't be too much of a catastrophe for Apple.

The $175 million might seem a huge amount for normal people like us, but compered the $1.5 billion Apple would have to pay for a full recall of the iPhone 4 as some industry analysts are predicting, giving away free cases is a much better option for Apple.

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Source Macworld


Apple Posts Press Conference To YouTube In HD

Apple posted the July 16 Press Conference regarding the iPhone 4's antenna to YouTube in HD. Watch it in all full 1080p goodness below.

Source YouTube


Nir Schneider


The iPhone Antenna Song

This guy got featured in today's Apple press conference with his new video that he just uploaded today. This guy has some serious talent, that Steve Jobs said he just had to show it off at the conference. So when can I get this on iTunes?

Source TheRockCookieBottom


Nir Schneider


Apple Posts July 16 Press Conference Video

Apple recently posted today's July 16 press conference talking about the iPhone 4's antenna. You can stream or download the video on Apple's page.

Source Apple


Nir Schneider
