Verizon's iPhone 4 Is Redesigned, New Cases Needed


After today's announcement of Verizon's iPhone 4, we discovered a new redesigned CDMA-compatible antenna and lowered volume buttons and silent switch. This means most current iPhone 4 cases will need to be updated to fit the new Verizon iPhone 4, now bringing us two versions of cases and we will start to see case companies label their packaging with 'made for Verizon iPhone 4' or 'made for At&t & Verizon iPhone 4'. If you're switching over to Verizon or will be upgrading to the Verizon iPhone 4, consider making sure you are getting a compatible case. Case companies are scrambling right now to have some Verizon iPhone 4 compatible cases for the expected launch on February 10. 


Nir Schneider
