GameStop Drops PS3 Price Down To $200

GameStop has independently dropped the price of the 160GB PlayStation 3 model down to $200 from the going $250 retail price. Is this a sign of a new PlayStation console coming our way with E3 fast approaching, or just a simple promotion to clear out loads of unsold inventory? One things for sure though, that's a great deal if you're in the market for a Blu-ray and gaming powerhouse. It isn't clear for how long GameSpot plans to run its promotion, but at least for now no other major retailers joined the party.


Nir Schneider


Battlefield 3 Beta Drops On September 29, Open To All

The wait is almost over! DICE has announced that the Battlefield 3 multiplayer beta will be ready and available for download on September 29. The beta is an open beta, meaning it will be open to all gamers and consoles including Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. In addition, those who pre-ordered the limited edition Medal Of Honor will be giving early access to the Battlefield 3 multiplayer beta starting September 27. Players will be given one multiplayer map when the open beta arrives called Paris: Operation Metro. This should help with the wait until Battlefield 3 hits stores on October 28. Jump past the break for the gameplay footage of what you should expect from the open beta!

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Sony Slashes PS3 Slim Price

Great news for those of you who just got pwned by the infamous RROD, Sony has announced at their Gamescon keynote today that it's dropping the price of the 160GB PlayStation 3 Blu-ray packed model from $299, down to just $249 in the US and €249 over in Europe effective immediately.


Nir Schneider


Black Ops Escalation Map Pack Coming To PS3 On June 10

Activision has confirmed that PS3 gamers will be able to download the Escalation map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops on June 10 for $14.99. The Escalation map pack includes 5 all-new multiplayer maps including - Hotel, Convoy, Zoo and Stockpile and Call of the Dead. 


Nir Schneider


Sony's New Official PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset Headphones

Oh yes it's about time Sony releases a pair of over-ear wireless headphones. These are not any normal wireless headphones though, the Sony Wireless Stereo Headset is built for gamers and features a 7.1 virtual surround sound promising that you will hear every little detail in the game. Other add-ons such as on board volume control, retractable boom mic with a mute button and on-screen battery headset and sound control status updates will let you game all day long with no interruption. Button controls will be accessible by simply tapping or sliding your finger on the headset's surface. Sony has confirmed that these do not use Bluetooth connectivity, but instead they use a small USB Wireless Adapter. The Sony Wireless Stereo Headset is slated to be released in September for $99.99. 


Nir Schneider


PlayStation Network Fully Back Online

After weeks of downtime due to the hack attack on Sony's PlayStation Network and much frustration, the PlayStation Network is fully back online with upgraded security measures. Unfortunately the data that was stolen from millions of customers will never be recovered. Sony has issued a new firmware update that is mandatory for all PS3 consoles and you will be asked to change your password as soon as you sign into your account. The good news is that you can only change your password from within your own console alone. Sony has stated that its customers will get a welcome package in the next few days to sweeten the whole bitter situation PS3 gamers have went thru. For more info, hit up the source link and get your gaming on!


Nir Schneider


Portal 2 DLC Comming in Summer

Valve has just announced that the first DLC for Portal 2. Portal 2 DLC #1 has just started in development and will be geared toward release this summer. Valve announced this Friday (4-29-11) and will offer new test chambers, leaderboards, challenge mode for single and multiplayer modes and much more secret stuff'. They have also announced that this will be free for Mac, PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 which is great but we will half to wait and see for this summer release.
