Artwizz Induction Charger Wireless Charger for Magic Mouse Review

Artwizz Induction Charger Wireless Charger for Magic Mouse Review

Wireless charging sounds great right? If you already use a wireless mouse like the Magic Mouse, it would make all the sense in the world to pair it up with a wireless charging buddy like Artwizz's Induction Charger. It's not the first time a company has created a product with a goal to fix your costly battery problems. You can keep replacing those expensive dead batteries or swapping them with rechargeable ones, but that's a thing of the past now that such a simple and straight forward solution is set to help you out with that. Convenience is the key of the Induction Charger. Just how well does a wireless charging setup such as this turn out? Catch the full review after the break to find out!

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Mobee Magic Charger for Magic Mouse Review

The Magic Mouse loves to munch away on batteries, whether you're using regular or rechargeable batteries, the Magic Mouse is always hungry for power. Don't you wish you had something similar to Powermat's wireless charging solutions to ease your life? Mobee did just that with their Magic Charger exclusively made for Apple's Magic Mouse. Catch the full review right after the break.

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Powermat Complete Wireless Charging System for iPhone 4

Prepare to get rid of your iPhone 4's charging and sync USB cable because, we are going wireless with the Powermat Complete Wireless Charging System for the iPhone 4. Or are we? Powermat is the notorious wireless charging solution company that makes wireless charging systems for various gadgets like the one we happened to have here, the iPhone 4. The Powermat system is supposed to let you charge your devices without needing to plug them in using cables, though there are some things that kind of defeat the purpose of this whole method. Find out in the full review just after the break!

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