JDS Labs cMoyBB Portable Headphone Amp V2.03 Review
/Headphones amps are a popular accessory among the audiophiles community with growing consumers turning to headphones amps to get the most out of their purchase. Some headphones require a lot of power to drive, particularly expensive headphones. CMOY amps are micro portable amps which are fused into mint tins for convenience and uniqueness. But most importantly, the price of CMOY amps are not high because no industrial design and special enclosures are invested in. The cMoyBB V2.03 by JDS Labs isn't just a normal CMOY amp, it's the highest quality CMOY amp you can get. Catch the full review right after the break.
Headphones like these Sennheiser HD 598 are in desperate need of amping. You may think they sound good when you don't have a good amp, but when you pair them with the cMoyBB amp they come to life. The same can be said for Etymotic earphones which lack a lot of bass. In my recent review of the Etymotic MC3 earphones I said that bass was almost non-existing. The good news is that the "BB" in cMoyBB stands for bass boost. After amping the Etymotic MC3 with the cMoyBB amp I feel in love with both the MC3 and the cMoyBB amp. The sound difference is night and day. While the MC3 sounded great, I couldn't stand listening to my music without good bass. It's so wonderful to know you can invest in a good portable amp to make a huge difference in the way your headphones and earphones sound. You thought about selling a pair of headphones before trying out an amp? Don't. I highly suggest trying out the cMoyBB portable amp and I can assure you will fall in love with your music all over again.
By default the cMoyBB amp comes in a red Altoids tin but JDS Labs also offers other colors and designs upon request. Under the hood you will find the quality components used to create the cMoyBB amp. It's powered by one 9v battery for when you're on the go and it also has the very convenient option to power on using a wall adapter which you can purchase from JDS Labs to save battery life when you're at home. I have yet to see another CMOY amp this ability. The most noticeable feature of the cMoyBB amp is the bass boost which you can turn on or off using the switch located inside. Even without turning on the bass boost, you will already notice an improved bass response in your headphones or earphones using the cMoyBB amp. To save battery power, the cMoyBB only powers on if you plug in your headphones or earphones.
JDS Labs will also customize the cMoyBB amp to fit best with the type and brand of headphones/earphones you have upon request. I think that is a really great service offered without additional cost. If you want to use your cMoyBB amp with a few pairs of headphones/earphones, I suggest you just go with a default setting.
I've used a regular CMOY amp I purchased off of eBay without thinking too much. Comparing a CMOY amp you get from eBay to the cMoyBB amp by JDS Labs is like comparing a Toyota with a Rolls Royce. It's that big of a difference. I cannot recommend the cMoyBB enough. If sound matters to you, don't think twice. Price $59.99.