The Lucky Labs Teksure Skins for iPad & MacBook Pro
/When it comes down to carbon fiber skins, The Lucky Labs' Teksure skins are the ones you want to look out for. Before you start to think that these are actually real carbon fiber skins, they are not. The Teksure skins do look really awesome on the back of the iPad or anything else for that matter. Carbon fiber skins are gaining popularity fast with many companies out there that have their own version of the expensive and very lightweight weaved fiber fabric. We've got a full review for you right after the break.
The Teksure skin for both the iPad and MacBook Pro is one of the nicest looking carbon fiber skin I've seen. It fits on the iPad and MacBook Pro just right but as you can see the Teksure skin doesn't come up close to the edges leaving the silvery aluminum showing. This may or may not bother some. It's actually is easier to install this way and it's also compatible with iPad cases or even frames like the ColorWare Grip. You can get your Teksure skin with or without an Apple logo cutout. The Teksure skin has a precise cutout for the Apple logo and it helps align the skin better.
You can feel the texture because the carbon fiber pattern has a little depth to it which makes for an appealing and interesting look. I wouldn't say that the Teksure adds grip, especially to the iPad where you hold it in your hands most of the time. It took me a few tries to align the skins and I could re-apply them as much as I needed until I got a good result. You do need to take your time while applying these skins and to be careful not to bend them too much. Overall the Teksure skins look great as carbon fiber goes and even better on the iPad and MacBook Pro. If you love carbon fiber, the Teksure is the perfect skin for you. The Lucky Labs has a black and white versions of the Teksure skin as well as many other textures to choose from. iPad Teksure Price $19.99. MacBook Pro Teksure price $24.99.