The Modai Is The Most Beautifully Designed Smartphone Inside & Out

What if there was a phone that was so different that it could be the next iPhone of the touchscreen phone revolutionizing. The Modai is a stunning smartphone concept created by Julius Tarng with a set mind of creating a single exterior design with modular and hot swappable, upgradable hardware specs for a sustainable ecosystem consumers will most benefit from. Instead of having to replace your smartphone every so often because of the desire of wanting the newest gadget and the fear of obsolescence, the Modai offers a much more satisfying purchase for the long run most iPhone users are accustomed to due to a new iPhone release only once per year. It's a slap in the face to all the Android running smartphones out on the market that get released every week. Catch more after the break.


The Modai is one of the sleekest, most thought-out smartphone I've seen in a long time. Of course being a concept one can think up magical things, but most if not all of these are quite possible. Things like an integrated flexible Santoprene stand with embedded 'muscle-wire' which can not only serve as a viewing stand but also as a clever alarm stand that slowly props up the Modai to display time, and which you can snooze by pushing it back down.

And then there's the OS that's so very unique, aesthetically pleasing and best of all, it's completely filled with refreshing new ideas most of us would love to use. I want one of these badly. You can check every little detail for yourself, so hit the source link below for more.


Nir Schneider
