PowerSkin First To Make Battery Cases For Android Phones

The iPhone 4 has been the favorite smartphone for accessories over the years. PowerSkin is the only one that has created battery cases for various Android running smartphones. The PowerSkin is a protective, recycled and anti-fingerprint silicone rubber case with a built-in 1500mAh battery, enough to double your Android handset's battery life. Yes, every single PowerSkin battery case no matter what Android smartphone model it was designed for, has exactly the same battery capacity built-in. The PowerSkin battery cases are available for the HTC Evo 4G - myTouch 4G - Desire HD - Inspire 4G - ThunderBolt, Motorola Droid X/X2, Samsung Galaxy S 4G - Vibrant - i9000 - i9003 and last but not least the Nexus S 4G. These are all available right now via Amazon for $59.99. 


Nir Schneider


Google Announces Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS

Here it is in all its glory, the new Google Android Ice Cream Sandwich, and it never looked so delicious. Google has also announced that is will put an end to Android fragmentation, meaning the new Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS will run on every single Android device from phones to tablets, even computers and everyone will always be up-to-date with the latest Android updates no matter what. Just like every current iOS device made by Apple. Google said it wants only one OS to run Android devices from now on, and that will be the new Ice Cream Sandwich. Google has made a great move that will be very beneficial to its customers by laying down strict rules for manufacturers that all new devices must be capable of running the latest version of Android for the first 18 months after they go on sale. Expect the Android Ice Cream Sandwich to fill your Google OS running devices in Q4 of 2011. 


Nir Schneider
