In-Depth Look At Portal 2

The much anticipated Portal 2 hits stores this month and we're already seeing new snippets of in-game gameplay hitting the World Wide Web. Here is a new in-depth look at the new Portal 2 from GameTrailers, which might I add, looks like it could possibly be more mind bending than Inception.  


Nir Schneider


First HDR Video Using Two Canon 5D Mark II's

This is the world's first HDR video shot using two Canon 5D Mark ll DSLRs. The outcome is simply amazing, HDR adds so much detail and depth. Everything looks better in HDR (High Dynamic Range) wouldn't you agree? 

Source Soviet Montage


Nir Schneider


Droid 2 Is Definitely Coming!

Verizon has just had their summer catalog leaked by Boy Genius Report. But the most important thing seen in the leaked catalog is the sequel to the Motorola Droid (one of Verizon’s most popular devices), which is called the Droid 2. A device which Verizon has not offically announced.

So if this leak is true, we know the confirmed specs of the Motorola Droid 2, which are:

  • 1GHz Snapdragon Processor
  • 8GB memory card preinstalled
  • 5 megapixel camera
  • 3G Mobile Hotspot functionality
  • Probably Android 2.1 with MotoBlur
  • Silver Body

There’s no word on release date yet but ‘coming soon’ has to mean something.

Head over to Boy Genius Report to see the full catalog.

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