Sound ID 510 Bluetooth Headset Review
/The Sound ID 510 Bluetooth headset looks amazingly sleek, slim and most importantly, it's ultra comfortable. Not only does the 510 fir perfectly in your ear, it also sounds very good on both ends of the call. The 510 has RealComfort EarLoops which I noticed right away how comfortable they are compared to all the other headsets I've come across. These uniquely designed ear loops or ear tips, are able to turn a bit to the right or left to perfectly fit your right or left ear. Once I put on the 510 I instantly thought that there is no way that it can come off my ear without me wanting it to, which is a problem with a lot of Bluetooth headsets out there. Another very nice feature the 510 has is touch sensitive volume control, which is simply the entire outer surface. This works very well by simply sliding your finger up or down to control the volume right on the headset. More after the jump!