Padacs 'Snap' Rubber iPhone Stand

Quirky novelty accessories for iPods and iPhones are pretty uncommon these days, so when I got my hands on a Padacs Snap rubber iPhone stand, I was pleasantly surprised with it. The accessory itself is straight forward and dead simple to use. It’s a small rubber ball with a suction cup attached. How does it work as a stand? It’s simply suctioned onto the back of an iPhone, and the rubber ball will hold it up from the ground in either portrait or landscape mode.

The simplicity is really the key with this product. It’s just one simple piece of silicon. Nothing to break, snap, tear or crack. I tried throwing mine around a bit and pulling it around, but nothing short of using scissors will ruin the Snap’s shape. The suction cup couldn’t be simpler, and it can be put on and removed without leaving any marks.



It should be noted that this product isn’t just limited to the iPhone. It works great with the iPod touch also, and the classic would probably work fine too. A plastic or TPU case still works no problems, although silicon does not work. It’s ideal for watching movies in landscape mode, and it so stable I would trust this to hold my iPod up while on a plane. The only problem you will run into is when dust starts to stick to the rubber, which weakens the suction strength. A quick wipe with a damp cloth, however, will get it working as good as new. 

The Snap rubber iPhone stand is definitely something I will keep with me when I’m out and about. It might not be the most stylish looking accessory, or have the most functions, but the simplicity of its use, the durability, and novelty flair makes it an outstanding little product. Priced at only $7.95AUD, it’s a steal for what it does. It’s available in red, black green and clear/white, so if you’re interested, check out the link below! 
