Otterbox Acknowledges White iPhone 4 Form Factor Changes

If you were following the news around Apple's newly released white iPhone 4, you would already know that the white iPhone 4 is slightly thicker than it's older black brother, 0.2mm ticker to be precise. Now that's not such a big deal, however very tight fitting hard plastic cases would most likely not fit the new white iPhone 4 as of right now. Otterbox has already put up a message on each of the iPhone 4 case product pages acknowledging the difference in the from factors and saying that their Defender Series, Commuter Series and Impact Series of cases will not work with the white iPhone 4. 

Otterbox's Impact Series case is made out of 100% silicone unlike Otterbox's more tougher cases which employ both hard plastic and silicone. It's not clear why Otterbox deemed their silicone Impact Series case for the iPhone 4 to be incompatible with the white iPhone 4 at this time. The slight change in thickness of just 0.2mm in the white iPhone 4 shouldn't hinder silicone cases incompatible so if you're really in need of a tough silicone case for your brand new white iPhone 4, you should not need to worry about silicone cases.


Nir Schneider


White iPhone 4 Slightly Thicker Than Black iPhone 4

Oh no, here we go again. After Apple released the Verizon iPhone 4 with a slight silent switch repositioning, case manufacturers had to accommodate the new design change by updating and releasing Verizon iPhone 4 compatible cases. Now that Apple has released the white iPhone 4, there are reports of users who say that their white iPhone 4 is slightly thicker than the black iPhone 4 by roughly 1mm. This translates to current cases that are very tight fitting like hard plastic sliding cases may in fact cause trouble and will not fit the new white iPhone 4.

What does this mean for you? If you just purchased the white iPhone 4 you may want to be careful with your case selection at this time. Avoid purchasing slider and tight fitting plastic cases until we get more info on the matter. Play it safe and get Apple's Bumper case if you need some protection.


Nir Schneider


JAYS Release White a-Jays Four, Matches Perfectly With Your White iPhone 4

Apple has finally released the white iPhone 4 today and JAYS has been waiting to release their wonderful pair of headset complete in white to perfectly match your brand new white iPhone 4, the a-Jays Four. If you can't wait until the end of Q2 to get your hands on these elegant white Fours priced at $69.99, check out our review of the black version of the a-Jays Four here


Nir Schneider


White iPhone 4 Officially Out

Well, well, well. We've got some good news for those who have been waiting endlessly for Apple's white iPhone 4. Apple has officially announced that the white iPhone 4 will be available to purchase starting tomorrow at Apple retail stores and online. Looks like Apple has redesigned the proximity sensor above the earpiece to be much more sleeker and got rid of the grille it had before when Apple released the iPhone 4. I think I'll stick to me black one for now.


Nir Schneider


Apple To Release White iPhone 4 This April?

Apple has confirmed it will be finally releasing the much anticipated white iPhone 4 soon, but never released an exact date. Rumors have it, the white iPhone 4 will be released this April 26. Until now, Apple's reason to why it never released the white iPhone 4 was due to paint issues.


Nir Schneider


Quirky Cloak 2 Redesigned For the iPad 2, Just As Quirky

Quirky has redesigned their Cloak case stand for the first gen iPad and made it even more quirky this time. The Cloak 2 for the iPad 2 takes on the Cloak's stand functions, it's now slimmer and snaps onto the iPad 2 with a folio-style design. The redesign allows for the Cloak 2 to be used as a stand in landscape and portrait angles as well as a typing angle thanks to the unique silicone plus and detachable stand design. The Cloak 2 is made out of plastic with silicone accents and will magnetically activate the iPad 2's sleep/wake sensor while using the Cloak 2's front screen cover. Currently the Cloak 2 is on pre-sale via Quirky, much like the Kickstarter process of pre-ordering, it will be available in four color options for a pre-sale price of $45. Catch the video right after the break.

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Moshi Announces iVisor AG Screen Protector For iPad 2


Moshi's new iVisor AG screen protectors for the iPad 2 are fully removable, re-usable and 100% air bubble-free, guaranteed. The iVisor AG has an anti-reflective matte finish to help reduce glare and fingerprints while it's color coded frame gives me an idea to turn my black iPad 2 into a white one on the cheap. Moshi's iVisor AG screen protectors are available now for $30. 

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Nir Schneider
