Jawbone Gets Back Up For The Second Time

You might remember when Jawbone announced the promising UP wristband that resembled what Nike was doing with their FuelBand just last year. However, the hardware design was subpar and ended up being recalled and Jawbone offered a "No Questions Asked" refund to all of its customers. 

Now, they're back at it again with the Jawbone UP 2.0 that features a much better redesign in both the hardware as well as the software. The main issue users had with the old UP was that water would sneak into the band itself and cause mayhem on the circuitry, leaving you with a dead or twitchy wristband. For some odd reason, Jawbone didn't think users would be "bending and playing" with the UP as much as they had planned, which led to more circuit board issues such as cracking. 

To redeem themselves, Jawbone has improved the overall bonding of the UP wristband and has upgraded their circuit boards with much more flexible versions. By decreasing the number of joints and exposed areas on the UP, it should reduce the number of problems users have experienced in the past version. 

On top of hardware, the iOS app got a nice makeover too. Featuring sleep tracking, smarter calorie counters and even some push notifications to recommend some jogging on your lazy days. 

These redesigned wristbands will be available for $129 and will be on sale immediately on their website. They are currently only available in black but will come in 8 different flavors later on. 


Incase Outs Flex Wristband, Creates Retro iWatch

Incase is bringing back the old school watch band and mixes it with the iPod nano 6G. The result? What else, yet another iWatch transformer! I thought the iWatch hype was long gone, but I'm wrong. Incase's Flex Wristband for the iPod nano 6G is a matte finished, steel band that can expand to fit your wrist. This old school watch band is going to cost you $49.95, and it's available in silver, black and gold. Bling! Your nano easily snaps into the Flex Wristband while the open-sided design allows for easy port access. Now you can get your geeky freak on!


Nir Schneider
