Meet Samsung, The Apple Copycat (Infographic)

Oh Samsung, they never learn do they? Both Apple and Samsung have been suing each other for copyright infringements, but this only shows how far Samsung shamelessly copies Apple's products, marketing strategies and even user interfaces from iOS apps. A Reddit user decided to make a infographic of sorts showing in exact detail some of Samsung's copycatness. Catch the full infographic list right after the break! It's long. Insert that's what she said joke here.

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Monster Tron T1 Headphones Looking Ridiculous

Yes you've read correctly, Monster is all over the Tron: Legacy hype and they are coming out with a few Tron inspired gear. The Tron T1 headphones by Monster just look ridiculous and not and a good way, and what makes it even more ridiculous is their $350 price tag. Another product Monster will be releasing is a Tron inspired iPod/iPhone speaker sound dock with a price tag of $300. 

No release date announced.

Source Monster via Twitter

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Nir Schneider
