The Magic Numpad Turns Your Magic Trackpad Into A Multi-Touch Numpad

Mobee likes to call all of their products magical, and that's perfectly fine when everyone single one of them is pretty much magical. Mobee has recently released the Magic Numbpad that turns your Magic Trackpad into an even more magical and customizeable glass surface. Mobee's Magic Trackpad are actually just simple transparent films that lay on top of your Magic Trackpad and add 3 different types of numpad layouts and are made to be bubble-free and reusable. Mobee has also created an OS X Lion and Snow Leopard compatible software downloadable via a code included in the packaging that brings all of this magical numpad goodness together. You'll still be able to use your Magic Trackpad as a trackpad with the Magic Numbpad film installed.

The Magic Numpad is available to pre-order for $29.90 - €29.90, and will be released in October.


Nir Schneider


Adonit's Writer Keyboard Folio For iPad 2 Might Be The One

There are already numerous keyboard cases for the iPad and iPad 2, but Adonit's Writer keyboard folio for the iPad 2 stands out with its mixture of aluminum and biodegradable fabrics. The Writer's Bluetooth keyboard has a spacious full keyboard layout with what Adonit claims to have "scissor action Keys" that provide you with the perfect key press and tactile feedback, similar to Apple's chiclet keys. You won't find a built-in rechargeable battery that powers this Bluetooth keyboard though. Instead, you'll have to use 3 AAA batteries which should last you about a month of heavy use. 

Quick eject and a magnetic adjustable viewing strip allows for unlimited viewing angles while maintaining a stable posture, are amongst the Writer's key features. The Writer keyboard folio for the iPad 2 is now available to help you publish that novel of yours for $110.


Nir Schneider


Nuu MiniKey iPhone 4 Keyboard Case For The Heavy Typist

Keyboard cases are nothing new and most fell short for not being well implemented together with the iPhone 4. Nuu seems to change that issue around with their new MiniKey slider keyboard case for the iPhone 4. The MiniKey has it all, good looking backlit keys, Bluetooth connectivity, text-editing shortcuts, long battery life and an automatic sleep mode. The Nuu MiniKey snaps to the back of your iPhone 4 and acts just like any other protective case offerings semi-protection and does not interfere with the iPhone 4's functions and ports. BlackBerry users who just jumped onto the iPhone 4 bandwagon and miss their tactile key feedback will particularly find the MiniKey as a useful companion. The Nuu MiniKey is available right now for $79.99.

iKeyboard Turns Your iPad 2's Virtual Keyboard Into A Tactile One

Here's something that will make you say "why didn't I think of that"? The iKeyboard lets iPad 2 users get the same feel of a real keyboard, or at least very close to the real thing, by providing tactile feel similar to Apple's chiclet keyboards. The iKeyboard lays on top of the iPad's virtual keyboard and by doing so, adds a look and feel of a keyboard you're used to typing on. You can lay your fingers on top of the keyboard without triggering the virtual keys, only when you really want to press down on the ikeyboards keys which then provide you with a tactile feedback of a key press. Those who use Apple's Bluetooth Wireless keyboard will want to take a look at this ingenious, silicone virtual keyboard cover? Yes! The iKeyboard is currently on Kickstarter and if you want one of these, you can pre-order yours for $30.

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Nir Schneider


Apple To Release Backlit Wireless Keyboard?

The latest rumor on an Apple product comes to us from the just released Thunderbolt-equipped iMac which apparently hints that Apple will release a backlit Wireless Keyboard, finally right? In the new iMac's system preferences keyboard settings, an option is found to enable "illuminate keyboard in low light conditions". This option was never available on past iMacs and Apple desktop computers. It's only available on Apple's portable 15" and 17" MacBook Pro. 

New Macs always bare an updates firmware and software which points to this actually being something very plausible. Once Apple releases the backlit Wireless Keyboard, a new software update will be available to other Macs in order to support it. A backlit external keyboard is a much asked-for product by Apple consumers.