PlayStation Network Compromised, Password Reset Exploit

The PSN troubles are not quite behind us as Sony finds out that their password reset system has now been exploited. The exploit has forced Sony to take the password reset system offline temporarily until it irons out all the issues, again. Users who have been affected by the recent PSN hack have had their data stolen including their email address and date of birth. The two key ingredients for creating a brand new password which any hacker can use to create a new password for your account. Let's hope this will get fixed as soon as possible and that gamers will revert their attention to what they really want to do, game in peace. 


Nir Schneider


Smart Cover Mod For iPad

Still stuck with the original iPad but you just wished you could use that Smart Cover? A simple mod that requires a little bit of gluing a few magnets to the side of your iPad will make your wish come true. The downsides to this are that your iPad will not automatically lock and unlock by the Smart Cover since only the iPad 2 had built-in magnets that act as a sensor. 


Nir Schneider


Apple Responds to iTunes Hack


Over the weekend, we reported that iTunes was hacked (read here) by a rogue iPhone developer had managed to make his apps 42 of the top 50 places in the Books category in the App Store.  So we've finally gotten a press release from Apple about the subject and it says that "the developer in question, called Thuat Nguyen has been kicked out of the app store. However, the do not say clearly that fraud had happened, but if you are concrerned at all about this matter, they say to contact your bank and stop your card if any of your info was stolen... which implies that something did actually happen.

The developer Thuat Nguyen and his apps were removed from the App Store for violating the developer Program License Agreement, including fraudulent purchase patterns. 

Developers do not receive any iTunes confidential customer data when an app is downloaded. 

If your credit card or iTunes password is stolen and used on iTunes we recommend that you contact your financial institution and inquire about canceling the card and issuing a chargeback for any unauthorized transactions. We also recommend that you change your iTunes account password immediately. For more information on best practices for password security visit

So, Steve's walled garden has a hole in it, but it seems like only a very small amount of people have been affected by the problem. Long live iTunes!

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Source Engadget


HTC Droid Incredible Gets Rooted

Great news for all the Droid Incredible owners out there who have been waiting since it's launch for it to be rooted. As over the weekend, the Android hackers finally was able bring root access for the Incredible for anyone who want to do this. Even thought the root was available last week, it was a very long-winded and complicated, but now it is a easier process as you only have to follow the instructions. There is a video below for how to do it or you can go here to follow the instructions.

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Read it here

Source BGR
