Click Watches Are All Kinds Of Geeky

These Click watches come in one style and one style only, geek. Made up from circuit boards that take you back to the 80s in retroness style. Aside from the electronic watch face design, the Click's DIP switches are fully functional and are used to toggle between the different types of features to display date, month, day of the week, 12 and 24 hour time as well as a challenging bar graph metered time display and backlight all on a small LCD. The Click watches are available in various dial faces and colors and are available in a electronic ribbon-style wristband for $149.99, as well as a stainless steel flex wristband for $169.99. They even come packaged on a circuit board, no joke. 



Nir Schneider


Type On This Wireless Virtual Laser Keyboard For iPad & iPhone (Video)

Forget about keyboard cases, this Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard made by Celluon is where it's at right now. The future is already here? I remember watching movies with this kind of technology and it was just CGI at the time. Now you can finally get the real deal. The Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard projects a full-sized red lasered keyboard onto a flat surface and will sound a clicking sound when you type. And it can connect to virtually any Bluetooth enabled device, not just the iPad and iPhone. The built-in rechargeable battery will only last for about two and a half hours of continuous typing in the dark of night. Too bad it doesn't come in other laser color choices other than the boring red color. You can grab one for $169.99 over at ThinkGeek. Where else? It's the only place you can geek yourself out. See it in action after the break!

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This Is How Geeky Photographers Take Self Portraits (Video)

This is exactly the way you should take a self portrait if you're a geeky photog. At least this is how the guys over at 2D Photography do it. I just hope those lenses weren't damaged in the making.


Nir Schneider


USB Film Rolls Should Be Your Only Photo Storage

What will they think of next? These USB Film Rolls looks just like the real thing. Oh that's because they are in fact real film rolls that got recycled up and were packed with a 4GB memory chip that can store up to a thousand of your pictures. Possibly the best part about these recycled USB Film Rolls is that you can never know which branded film roll you will get if you purchase one. You'll just have to wait to find out. How exciting! $20 will get you one of these awesome USB Film Rolls. I hope they still smell of that addicting film smell.


Nir Schneider


iCufflinks Are Just The Thing For Formal Geeks

I must say that I'm very much attracted to these Apple inspired cufflinks called the iCufflinks, as would any other geek that's for sure. They feature a subtle, MacBook-like pulsating white LED light shining thru a power button design. The iCufflinks are crafted from machined aluminum, I would have not expected any less that's for sure! As if battery powered cufflinks weren't enough to please your inner geekiness, the iCufflinks are opened source for coding your own wacky ideas into them. There isn't any info regarding how these will be powered exactly, but it seems as though they take non-rechargeable button batteries. If you just must add these to your cufflink collection, expect to drop $128. Just in time for Father's Day too! 

Mutewatch Is Every Geek's Dream Watch

I said it time and time again, I love Swedish companies. There is something so innovative about every single product coming out of Sweden it's just unbelievable. The Swedish watch brand, Mutewatch, has created the most amazing touch screen watch you've ever seen. It's the geekiest watch ever made. Forget the iWatch iPod nano 6G basicness, the Mutewatch come to us straight from the future and features a vibration alarm clock that will vibrate depending on your preference without making a noise and alarming others. Brilliant isn't it? That's not all, the Mutewatch is designed to display the capacitive touch screen display when you touch the flat surface which then lights up the glowing touch screen that displays the time to you using a white LED surface. To change and set up an alarm or the time itself, you simply swipe, pinch and tap. 

The Mutewatch also has a built-in motion sensor that will turn on the glowing display with just a flick of the wrist and it will also sense your sleeping so that it can increase the level of vibration if you set an alarm. The Mutewatch is available to order right now in white, red and gray for $249, and it will start shipping in July. Check out the video after the break.

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