Fake MacBook Air Brought Into An Apple Store For Service

What happens when someone brings a knockoff MacBook Air into an Apple Store to have the Genius Bar try to repair it? You get help of course. The amused Geniuses at an Apple Store in China were nice enough to help out the ballsy owner of this fake MacBook Air out with whatever the problem may have been. Someone must have gotten fired after that though. And yes, this is a real Apple Store in China. Oh China, you never cease to amaze us.


Nir Schneider


This iPhone 5 Can Shoot 3D

China never ceases to amaze. Rumors have been going around that the next generation iPhone will sport dual LED flash, a better back facing camera and a larger display. Well take a look at what we've got here, an iPhone 5 with dual LED flash and dual back facing cameras to supposedly shoot 3D video. Not only is this iPhone 5 3D fake, it's utterly ridiculous. But thanks for the good laugh, China. This is exactly why we've got a 'ridiculous' category to put this under.


Nir Schneider


Look Mom, It's A Fake Smart Cover

This fake Smart Cover for the iPad 2 may indeed fool you since it looks very similar to the real deal, but it really isn't. Not only is buying this Smart Cover knockoff for $33 a bad idea, it's also a smelly situation. Lesson learned kids, buying knockoffs never pays off.


Nir Schneider
