Make Your iPhone 4 Looks Like An Original iPhone

Hardcore iPhone fans will surely want to transform their iPhone 4 into an original aluminum iPhone using a back skin like this one. $9.99 will get you an original aluminum iPhone skin to stick on the back of your iPhone 4. Is it just me or is something missing on that iPhone skin?

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Nir Schneider


Add Some Grip To Your iPhone 4 With Grip Tape

Etsy is full of weird surprises, this grip tape skin for the iPhone 4 is laser cut from grip tape used on skateboards by SlickWraps. The $20 grip tape will surely scratch up any delicate surface you lay on so be careful. No word on residue upon removal so I suggest you ask SlickWraps this if you think about purchasing your own.


Nir Schneider


Get Your iPhone 4 The Teardown Treatment Skin

Love your iPhone 4's insides so much? You can now take a look at them all day without having to open the back cover of your iPhone 4 using this Teardown decal made to look exactly like the guts of the iPhone 4. This 3M skin can also be used as a scratch protection for the back of your iPhone 4 and will leave no sticky residue.  You can pick the Teardown decal for $9.99 at Etsy.


Nir Schneider


Customize Your Magic Trackpad

You can now make your own custom 3M skin for the Apple Magic Trackpad using GelaSkins' DIY process, which enables you to use your own photos and images. GelaSkins uses high quality 3M materials which are very easy to apply without any air bubbles and they leave no residue. You can also choose from many of GelaSkins' artwork from artists. This is a great way to customize your Magic Trackpad without spending too much. The DIY custom skins will cost you $15, and so will the stock artwork. GelaSkins does not have any info on whether their skins are fully compatible with the touch surface of the Magic Trackpad. 

Source GelaSkins


Nir Schneider


Get Your iPhone 4 to Glow Green in the Dark

If you are one of those people who love glow in the dark items, you will most likely want to pick up Mobile Riot Gear's iGlow. iGlow is a vinyl decal which glows green in the dark to help you find your iPhone 4 or maybe it will just make you insonomniac. iGlow comes in two versions, a full back and side vinyl for $14.95 and a two piece side band vinyl (which would be great for that annoying antenna reception) for $10.95. iGlow is now available from Mobile Riot Gear.


Nir Schneider
