Best Buy Sells Ultra-Overpriced HDMI Cable

If you thought you've seen pretty expensive HDMI cables over at Best Buy, think again. You can pick this HDMI cable at a ridiculous price of just $695.99. Is this just a typo? Well it's safe to say that it isn't and AudioQuest seems to laugh all the way to the bank with your money that could but a decent sized HD LCD T.V. Turns out Best Buy isn't such a best-buy after all. Oh, we knew that already. If you need an HDMI cable, do yourself a favor and check out Monoprice.

Source Best Buy


Nir Schneider


iPad Causes Netbook Sales to Be Halved in Best Buy Claims CEO


When the iPad was announced last January, the was many arguments about the point of the iPad between Apple fanboys and Apple haters. The fanboys said that the iPad is the replacement to the netbook, yet haters say it is pointless because it lacked features such as a USB port or a camera. Since, then the iPad has become a huge success but the question remains, by how much? 

Well according to Best Buy's CEO, Brian Dunn, a lot. As Dunn has told the Wall Street Journal that in Best Buys stores, the presence of the iPad has halved all netbook sales as customers are preferring newer, lighter and more portable devices. 

Brian Dunn also said that will the holiday season looming, they are going to increase it's stock of portable devices such as tablets, e-readers and smartphones, while reducing the amount of PCs and TV's in store. But the big question is, by how much will the iPad dominate this Christmas, and will this be the end of netbooks and the rise of the tablet?

Source Wall Street Journal | Digital Trends


Droid X Pre-Orders at Best Buy


So your iPhone 4 order was cancelled and you want to switch to Android? Well the latest Android phone to hit the market is now available for pre-order, the Droid X.  Best Buy is now taking pre-orders for the best Android smartphone to date. The main features of the Droid X are a 4.3" screen at 854x480, Android 2.1 with NinjaBlur (a less intrusive version of MotoBlur) with Froyo coming later this summer and 720p video recording. 

By ordering the Droid X from Best Buy you don't have to fuss around with the mail-in rebate, you just pay $199.99 in store with 2-year contract on Verizon.

Here is the press release

Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile have truly become the leading destination this summer for all your mobile smartphone needs – from HTC EVO 4G from Sprint to the iPhone 4 on AT&T to the upcoming DROID X on Verizon. Enthusiasts of the Android platform can be the first to reserve a copy of the new Verizon DROID X by Motorola today at Best Buy. The pre-sale begins June 25 and the smartphone will land in stores on July 15.

"With the buzz we've seen around the Android platform, Best Buy is confident that consumers will be thrilled about the Verizon DROID X by Motorola pre-sale," said Scott Anderson, senior director of merchandising at Best Buy Mobile. "It has been a great summer for smartphones with the HTC EVO and iPhone 4 launches, and the addition of the DROID X adds another strong option for our customers to consider."

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Source BestBuy


White EVO 4G Coming only to Best Buy


Over the past few weeks, the EVO 4G has been the one of the best android handsets that you can buy. And when you thought it couldn't get any better, it did, as the of today you can pre-order a white EVO 4G! The handset will be sold exclusively through Best Buy until August 8th when the Sprint store will have it and September for all other retailers. So assuming that you managed to not get a balck EVO 4G and that the price will stay the same at $199, you must be mad not to get the white version. 

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Source Engadget
