Samsung's The Next Big Thing Ad Pokes Fun At iPhone Customers

Apple had its laugh for a few years when it was running its renowned Mac vs. PC ads, and now it's time for Samsung to have its fun and poke some of its frustration over at Apple with a new set of parody ads featuring its Galaxy S II with the massive 4.3-inch screen that makes the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S look ridiculously small in comparison. Samsung's ad titled The Next Big Thing, shows iPhone users in desperate need of a larger screen and 4G speeds waiting in line for the iPhone 4S. 

Nir Schneider


iPhone 4S Put Thru A Drop Test Against Samsung Galaxy S II (Video)

We all know that dropping the iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S on the ground only means sheer devastation thanks to Apple for using glass for almost the entire construction. These folks decided to put the Samsung Galaxy S II against the newly released iPhone 4S in a drop test showdown. Samsung's Galaxy S II has a plastic build with a Gorilla Glass screen that has proven to be tough as nails. Which of the two is a tougher phone in case of a drop? Just check out the video for yourself. The good news is that both devices remained in working condition after all was said and done.

Nir Schneider
