Apple Refunding Recent iPad Buyers $100

Apple is refunding you back $100 if you've purchased an iPad before the March 2nd event where the iPad 2 was announced. No store credits, pure cash or credit card refunds will be handed out. You will need your receipt in order to get your $100 back if you've purchased your iPad at an Apple retail store and if you've purchased your iPad on Apple's online store, you will simply need to call in. Those of you who are overseas will get the same amount of refund back in your currency. This most likely only applies to purchases made from Apple and not retailers. 


Nir Schneider


Apple Starts Refunding Bumper Purchases

If you already bought a Bumper case for your iPhone 4, look out for an email from Apple stating that you have been refunded on the full cost of your Bumper case purchase. Apple already started to issue refunds to customers who have purchased a Bumper case and if you did not yet purchase one for yourself, you will be able to place an order for a free bumper case via Apple's website in a few days.


Nir Schneider
