MySaver Protect Your iCables From Your Carelessness
/Here's a great little add-on for those of you who don't take it so kindly on those white USB sync cables of yours. MySaver are little colorful protection shields with one mission, to protect and extend the life of them fragile iCables. And they also perfectly match the Smart Cover colors too. The MySaver cable protectors are made out of aluminum and flexible colored silicone and help prevent the problematic area of the cable from ever fraying and coming apart due to heavy use, or misuse. We're not going to judge.
Apple's USB sync cables run for $19, while the MySaver Pro comes fully-assembled on a OEM quality replacement Dock Connector to USB cable and it will set you back $24.99. You can always get adventurous by going with the MySaver DIY kit for much less at $10.99 and add it to your own cable. You can pre-order both the MySaver Pro and MySaver DIY right now at pre-order prices at Kickstarter.