Backlit iPhone Apple Logo Mod Kit Now Available, All Is Bright
/Lighting the back of your iPhone's Apple logo is priceless, and now everyone can do it themselves in just five minutes. Much like replacing the rear glass panel mods that everyone by now should be familiar with, K.O Gadget's $43 Luminescent Logo Mod Kit will let you replace your iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S' original black or white rear panel with an identical modded one that has a transparent Apple logo and a special thin light panel which will illuminate your Apple logo as if it were a MacBook Pro. Unlike the iPach mod that required you to send in your iPhone, the Luminescent Logo Mod Kit is easy enough for a DIY with the help of a detailed instructional video. The light panel which serves as the Apple logo backlight plugs into the iPhone's screen to get its power and is said to not impact battery life nor add any bulk.
Every time you turn on the screen, receive a notification and even talk on your iPhone, the back Apple logo will light up just in time for the holidays. The mod is fully reversible in case you need to use your warranty so no harm done. There's only 35 hours left to grab a kit until Apple takes down this operation. Head over to the product page for more details. It's only a matter of time until eBay sellers get in on this.