i+Case Offers Sleek Aerodynamic Aluminum Curves For The iPhone 4

Granted we've seen just about every aluminum iPhone 4 case and bumper that was ever created, but we just have to point out this one called the i+Case. It's an aluminum bumper made for the iPhone 4 and with the typical drill of it being made out of a single piece of a solid block of aluminum using a CNC machine and the same process Apple uses to manufacture their unibody MacBook line of portables. There's no doubt that the i-Case doesn't look incredibly good with its sleek curves that with all the rumors circulating around, may even presumably make your iPhone 4 look like an iPhone 5. We can't help but notice how closely the i+Case resembles the ever so popular Japanese designed Draco, aka Deff Cleave aluminum bumper we've posted about a while back and even reviewed. The i+Case does have less specially designed curves we'll give it that, and it even has dedicated machined buttons too. It might not have the cool name, however it sure does look promising at $65. It's available for pre-order in black, red and silver colors.


Nir Schneider


Deff Cleave, Well Designed Aluminum iPhone 4 Bumper

Could this be one of the most unique looking aluminum bumper cases for the iPhone 4? The Cleave bumper by a Japanese company called Deff looks like something designed off of a luxury sports car. It looks like Deff thought out just about everything and fitted the Cleave with dedicated volume buttons and even a silent switch extender and there are only two screws used to put everything together. There are even large cutouts for the dock connector and headphone ports to accompany most 3rd party accessories. Most importantly, Deff claims that the Cleave aluminum bumper does not interfere with the iPhone 4's signal because no contact is made with between the iPhone 4's antenna band and the Cleave bumper.


The Cleave is fitted with polyurethane sheets at all four corners to help protect your iPhone 4 against shock. It seems as though this could be the perfect aluminum bumper for the iPhone 4 but all of this comes at a price, about $110 to be exact. It isn't the priciest aluminum bumper out there like Element's Vapor bumpers. If you're not from Japan, chances are you will have a hard time getting your hands on this one.


Nir Schneider
