Grove Bamboo iPhone 4 Cases


Grove, the company behind the Bamboo cases for the iPhone 3G/S are now coming out with Bamboo cases for the iPhone 4. Pre-orders have already started and demand is very high with long wait times. The Bamboo cases are made right here in the U.S and to be exact, they are made in Portland, Oregon. This Bamboo case is nothing ordinary, you have the choice to select colored anodized aluminum front bezels on your Bamboo case as well as the color of the Bamboo itself. Grove are using echo friendly process to make their Bamboo cases and also have their own Bamboo field that they grow in order to make these cases. There are a few options for customers from artist series, plain finishes and custom customer designs. All of this will cost you $69 for the plain Bamboo case and $89 for both the laser etched artist Bamboo cases and custom customer designed Bamboo cases. Hit up the source link below to get the low down on these beautiful natural cases.

Source Grove 


Nir Schneider
