Arctic's Aluminum Architect Stylus Makes All Others Jealous

Up until now, I thought styluses couldn't possibly get more creative and unique. That has changed with the Architect stylus though. The Architect stylus by Arctic is a designers stylus designed to work with all capacitive touchscreen devices using a soft 7mm silicone rubber tip offering a smooth, silent and accurate writing and sketching experience. The Architect was designed to have perfect balance in the hand using a rounded style body much like the Adonit Jot stylus, and constructed using anodized aluminum with simple clean lines and a distinctive twisting protective tip cap featuring a black lanyard loop hole. This is one good looking stylus if you ask me.

It's now available to pre-order for a special pre-order price at $22.95 with expected shipping in mid November. Video after the break. And please try to keep your attention focused on the stylus.

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