Bitplay Transforms Your iPhone Into A Camera

There are a plethora of iPhone cases out in the market right now, each with its own unique functionality or appearance to catch your attention. Bitplay will certainly catch your attention. The creators at Bitplay decided to emphasize the new 8MP camera in the iPhone 4S with their new Bitplay SNAP! What better way to do that than to create a case that turns your iPhone into an actual camera? It even has a shutter button that takes advantage of the iOS’s volume-up bottom functionality. This unique case will catch anybody’s attention with its flashy design.

An iPhone case should be able to express its user’s personality and be one of a kind, rather than be dull and boring like the typical cases we see people wrapping their gorgeous iPhones in. If you are looking for a fun case to show off to your friends, you can head over to Bitplay’s website for more information.


Will iPhone 4 Cases Fit The iPhone 4S Too? Yes!

The answer is plain and simple, yes. All current iPhone 4 cases, sleeves, speaker docks and other accessories of the sorts will indeed fit and be fully compatible with the latest iPhone 4S. Be sure to check out our Gadget Hub for some iPhone 4 and 4S case reviews and guides!

Update: Correction, all iPhone 4 cases that are Verizon and AT&T compatible will fit the iPhone 4S as well. Both the Verizon iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S have a silent switch that is designed just a few millimeters towards the top and that has caused cases to have a slight longer cutout for the side volume buttons and silent switch. Most if not all iPhone 4 cases are now compatible with the iPhone 4S. 


Nir Schneider
