Extreme iPad & iPad 2 Protection Baby!

You may remember the G-Form Extreme sleeve for the iPad and iPad 2 that we posted about not long ago, this time the guys from G-Form wanted to take things above and beyond the call of duty and dropped an iPad incased inside a G-Form Extreme sleeve off of a lightweight aircraft. It survived a 500 foot drop. So next time you go skydiving with your iPad, make sure its safe inside one of these Extreme sleeves.


Nir Schneider


G-Form Extreme Sleeve To The Max

This sleeve looks extreme enough to tell its own story. The Extreme Sleeve for the iPad and iPad 2 made by G-Form is so tough that it can protect your iPad from being crushed by a falling bowling ball. It's also flexible, lightweight and made from a water-resistant material. Shipping starts May 2nd and you can pre-order one in black or yellow for $59.95. Tough enough?


Nir Schneider


The iPad 2's Glass Is Super Tough

Even though the iPad and the iPad 2 never used Gorilla Glass, they are still very strong. The iPad 2's glass is 27% thinner than the glass found on the first generation iPad. iFixYouri thought it would be nice to test out both the iPads glass to see which is stronger. It turns out the iPad 2's glass is much stronger and flexible than the iPad 1. Anyone else think that iPad 2 was extremely close to the edge of that table? It was used to take a different angle video of the test and the quality looks much better than the main camera that the guys over at iFixYouri used to shoot the video. Check out the video after the break and don't try this at home kids.

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SwitchEasy's CapsuleRebel Case Now For Verizon iPhone 4

SwitchEasy's most popular iPhone case, the CapsuleRebel, is now available for the Verizon iPhone 4 in 10 eye-catching colors. The CapsuleRebel case is a hybrid composed of two parts, a semi-soft flexible inner layer with a hard polycarbonate UltraFrame outer spine. You can purchase the CapsuleRebel right now for $27.99.


Nir Schneider


Griffin Bringing Survivor Case For The iPad 2

Griffin announced its developing a Survivor case for the iPad 2. It's coming soon to protect your iPad 2 against rain, drops, dust, sand, shock, wind, impacts and whatever you come up with on your own. Of course, we will let you know the exact release date and pricing as soon as Griffin leaks the juicy info.


Nir Schneider


Life Proof iPhone 4 Case


The LifeProof iPhone 4 case is the thinnest proof-everything case you can get right now. Like Griffin's Survivor case, the LifeProof case meets military standards and protects your iPhone 4 against water, dirt, snow and shock. Unlike Griffin's Survivor case, the LifeProof case is actually water-proof and not just water-resistant. This means that with the LifeProof case you can take a shower with your iPhone 4 and even dive underwater up to a depth of 6.6ft (2 meters). This case is very impressive especially because of how thin it is, only adding 1.5mm of "bulk" to your iPhone 4. All of these specs sound really good making the LifeProof case the ultimate iPhone 4 case, at least until we can get our hands on one to review and test out. 

The LifeProof iPhone 4 case is now avilable to pre-order for $69.95, most likely in black only. Hit the source link for more.


Nir Schneider


Griffin's Toughest Case Yet, The Survivor

The Survivor is Griffin's toughest case yet and it isn't afraid to look mother nature straight in the eye. The Survivor exceeds military standards and can withstand drops, impacts, wind, rain, vibration, sand and dust. If that's not enough for you, nothing is. The Survivor case is available for both the iPhone 4 (AT&T and Verizon compatible) and iPod Touch 4G in four colors for $49.99 and $39.99 respectively. You can pre-order yours right now but first check out Griffin's little torture test after the break.

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